Harvard v Columbia with Jagdish Bhagwati Fellowship



I needed you advise on this. I have offers from both Harvard and Columbia. While Harvard has offered me considerable tuition waiver, I have been also selected as 2013-14 Bhagwati Fellow (which carries grant of USD 40,000). Personally, I always wanted to study at Harvard. However, if I dont take Columbia, I would also lose the opportunity of having my name associated with Jagdish Bhagwati Fellowship. As you know, Prof Bhagwati is renowned for his work in international economics and free trade. My interest areas primarily include anti-trust and trade. Please advise would be wise to drop such a prestigious fellowship because of the brand which Harvard carries. Thanks.


I needed you advise on this. I have offers from both Harvard and Columbia. While Harvard has offered me considerable tuition waiver, I have been also selected as 2013-14 Bhagwati Fellow (which carries grant of USD 40,000). Personally, I always wanted to study at Harvard. However, if I dont take Columbia, I would also lose the opportunity of having my name associated with Jagdish Bhagwati Fellowship. As you know, Prof Bhagwati is renowned for his work in international economics and free trade. My interest areas primarily include anti-trust and trade. Please advise would be wise to drop such a prestigious fellowship because of the brand which Harvard carries. Thanks.
Brainy Smu...

I read this and simply laughed at your logic. Seriously? You got admitted to two ivy-league universities and an organisation, from one of the unis, is giving you (1/1000 chance) a grant if you go to Columbia!?!? You would be a fool to turn down such an opportunity. An opportunity that is willing to subsidise tuition cost and possibly accommodation. Going to Harvard is not going to make you better than what you are and magically open doors once you place Harvard on your CV/resume. Aforementioned, you will have the opportunity, more like an honour, to research under Jagdish Bhagwati (renowned international trade theorists) himself. Do not throw away a golden opportunity over semantics. Both brands are prestigious. However, you can always go to Harvard for a doctorate. After this, Harvard will probably give you a scholarship into their doctorate programme.

We all have the choice to select our own destiny. I am only implying that you make a reasonable decision in selecting the right university. An LLM from both unis will not automatically open doors, albeit by placing the "Jagdish Bhagwati Fellowship" on your CV/resume will make your CV/resume stand out more.

Kind regards.

I read this and simply laughed at your logic. Seriously? You got admitted to two ivy-league universities and an organisation, from one of the unis, is giving you (1/1000 chance) a grant if you go to Columbia!?!? You would be a fool to turn down such an opportunity. An opportunity that is willing to subsidise tuition cost and possibly accommodation. Going to Harvard is not going to make you better than what you are and magically open doors once you place Harvard on your CV/resume. Aforementioned, you will have the opportunity, more like an honour, to research under Jagdish Bhagwati (renowned international trade theorists) himself. Do not throw away a golden opportunity over semantics. Both brands are prestigious. However, you can always go to Harvard for a doctorate. After this, Harvard will probably give you a scholarship into their doctorate programme.

We all have the choice to select our own destiny. I am only implying that you make a reasonable decision in selecting the right university. An LLM from both unis will not automatically open doors, albeit by placing the "Jagdish Bhagwati Fellowship" on your CV/resume will make your CV/resume stand out more.

Kind regards.

Thanks Brainy Smurf! I am not providing any logic. I do know the value of Prof Bhagwati and that's why this post. I agree with your reasoning. The only issue is that Harvard SJDs are typically open to only Harvard LLMs. Now my immediate goal is to (and there is a great "if" considering the job market now) work for a couple of years in a firm of international repute (need not necessarily be in US) in areas of antitrust and trade and then take up doctorate level study in future. At Harvard antitrust course is offered by Einer Elhauge (another great name) whereas I am not so sure about antitrust offering at Columbia. Given the above considerations, would your suggestions change? Please advise. Thanks.

Thanks Brainy Smurf! I am not providing any logic. I do know the value of Prof Bhagwati and that's why this post. I agree with your reasoning. The only issue is that Harvard SJDs are typically open to only Harvard LLMs. Now my immediate goal is to (and there is a great "if" considering the job market now) work for a couple of years in a firm of international repute (need not necessarily be in US) in areas of antitrust and trade and then take up doctorate level study in future. At Harvard antitrust course is offered by Einer Elhauge (another great name) whereas I am not so sure about antitrust offering at Columbia. Given the above considerations, would your suggestions change? Please advise. Thanks.

You did an excellent advice Brainy smurf... any of the two schools can make PZJ's career excellent. my close friend here said that brand name is not the be-all and end all... and he is right indeed in saying like this. on the other hand, one is lucky if he or she has got the best of the two worlds just like PZJ.... both schools are excellent in their own field and academic environment. thus, all things beings equal, for me, if i were PZJ, i would choose Harvard over Columbia in terms of ranking and the like... while it is true that you can always go back to Harvard for doctorate program as what Brainy Smurf said, still the time and opportunity given by Harvard is "now" "this moment", not tomorrow nor the day after tomorrow. Tomorrow will be another day and we are not sure what it will bring. the only certain thing for now is the opportunity u have garnered by your admission at harvard. PZJ, just treasure this Harvard opportunity and be glorious for its offer.

in case you have other things in mind like special field of interest like international trade theory just what you have mentioned, the special experience you can gain from Jagdish Bhagwati at Columbia University is truly immeasurable...

the choice depends on you... the choice you will make today and in the coming days will carve your destiny... and once we have traversed the initial steps towards our destiny, there's no turning back nor place for any regrets in the choice we have made.

hope my opinion helps you in making prudent decision. good day!! God bless!

You did an excellent advice Brainy smurf... any of the two schools can make PZJ's career excellent. my close friend here said that brand name is not the be-all and end all... and he is right indeed in saying like this. on the other hand, one is lucky if he or she has got the best of the two worlds just like PZJ.... both schools are excellent in their own field and academic environment. thus, all things beings equal, for me, if i were PZJ, i would choose Harvard over Columbia in terms of ranking and the like... while it is true that you can always go back to Harvard for doctorate program as what Brainy Smurf said, still the time and opportunity given by Harvard is "now" "this moment", not tomorrow nor the day after tomorrow. Tomorrow will be another day and we are not sure what it will bring. the only certain thing for now is the opportunity u have garnered by your admission at harvard. PZJ, just treasure this Harvard opportunity and be glorious for its offer.

in case you have other things in mind like special field of interest like international trade theory just what you have mentioned, the special experience you can gain from Jagdish Bhagwati at Columbia University is truly immeasurable...

the choice depends on you... the choice you will make today and in the coming days will carve your destiny... and once we have traversed the initial steps towards our destiny, there's no turning back nor place for any regrets in the choice we have made.

hope my opinion helps you in making prudent decision. good day!! God bless!
Brainy Smu...

Interesting. Do you think a JSD from Harvard is a wise decision?

Harvard is unavoidable. ladyjustice makes a valid point. But, however, Harvard is not paying for the tab. Surely you will be around a diverse plethora of like-minded individuals. But once the charm of Harvard wears off and reality starts to settle in while focusing only on expenses in MA. You will be knocking your own head against the wall dreading the fact of turning down an all expense paid opportunity. Your choice.

Think about the options here: MA or NY. MA is limited to biglaw opportunities in your focus where NY is an internationalists dream come true for biglaw opportunities. Plus you have the "Jagdish Bhagwati Fellowship" to fall back upon with network possibilities. Hello! Now, think about the opportunities here. Most of the JDs at Harvard during breaks are NY-bound. Also, you plan to get into antitrust and trade. Two highly desirable specialties in law. Do you think you will have a leg up at Harvard, although having a simple dialogue with Einer Elhauge, in the field of antitrust? No.

Hope this sheds light on some grey areas.

PS- if you cannot get into Harvard for the JSD. You always have Yale or Cambridge.

Interesting. Do you think a JSD from Harvard is a wise decision?

Harvard is unavoidable. ladyjustice makes a valid point. But, however, Harvard is not paying for the tab. Surely you will be around a diverse plethora of like-minded individuals. But once the charm of Harvard wears off and reality starts to settle in while focusing only on expenses in MA. You will be knocking your own head against the wall dreading the fact of turning down an all expense paid opportunity. Your choice.

Think about the options here: MA or NY. MA is limited to biglaw opportunities in your focus where NY is an internationalists dream come true for biglaw opportunities. Plus you have the "Jagdish Bhagwati Fellowship" to fall back upon with network possibilities. Hello! Now, think about the opportunities here. Most of the JDs at Harvard during breaks are NY-bound. Also, you plan to get into antitrust and trade. Two highly desirable specialties in law. Do you think you will have a leg up at Harvard, although having a simple dialogue with Einer Elhauge, in the field of antitrust? No.

Hope this sheds light on some grey areas.

PS- if you cannot get into Harvard for the JSD. You always have Yale or Cambridge.

I am in a similar situation PZJ. What have you finally decided? Monday is the deadline right?

I am in a similar situation PZJ. What have you finally decided? Monday is the deadline right?

eagerforllm, i have decided. Let's discuss over phone.

eagerforllm, i have decided. Let's discuss over phone.

Interesting. Do you think a JSD from Harvard is a wise decision?

Harvard is unavoidable. ladyjustice makes a valid point. But, however, Harvard is not paying for the tab. Surely you will be around a diverse plethora of like-minded individuals. But once the charm of Harvard wears off and reality starts to settle in while focusing only on expenses in MA. You will be knocking your own head against the wall dreading the fact of turning down an all expense paid opportunity. Your choice.

Think about the options here: MA or NY. MA is limited to biglaw opportunities in your focus where NY is an internationalists dream come true for biglaw opportunities. Plus you have the "Jagdish Bhagwati Fellowship" to fall back upon with network possibilities. Hello! Now, think about the opportunities here. Most of the JDs at Harvard during breaks are NY-bound. Also, you plan to get into antitrust and trade. Two highly desirable specialties in law. Do you think you will have an leg up at Harvard, although having a simple dialogue with Einer Elhauge, in the field of antitrust? No.

Hope this shreds light on some grey areas.

PS- if you cannot get into Harvard for the JSD. You always have Yale or Cambridge>

Brillant point brainly smurf! I am also with CLS! People seems to be mad about "brand".. brand doesnt open doors automatically! what international law firms care more is work experience and contacts... a LLM from any top US law school will open doors if you have a nice background to show... Not CLS, nor HLS will give you more opportunities... besides, CLS is also a very good brand!!! it is the best law fschool in NYC, the most business oriented city in US (and I am not bias because I took and NYU offer..).
For me, a substantial scholarship for a highly regarded law school such as CLS is a no brainer!

Good luck!

<blockquote>Interesting. Do you think a JSD from Harvard is a wise decision?

Harvard is unavoidable. ladyjustice makes a valid point. But, however, Harvard is not paying for the tab. Surely you will be around a diverse plethora of like-minded individuals. But once the charm of Harvard wears off and reality starts to settle in while focusing only on expenses in MA. You will be knocking your own head against the wall dreading the fact of turning down an all expense paid opportunity. Your choice.

Think about the options here: MA or NY. MA is limited to biglaw opportunities in your focus where NY is an internationalists dream come true for biglaw opportunities. Plus you have the "Jagdish Bhagwati Fellowship" to fall back upon with network possibilities. Hello! Now, think about the opportunities here. Most of the JDs at Harvard during breaks are NY-bound. Also, you plan to get into antitrust and trade. Two highly desirable specialties in law. Do you think you will have an leg up at Harvard, although having a simple dialogue with Einer Elhauge, in the field of antitrust? No.

Hope this shreds light on some grey areas.

PS- if you cannot get into Harvard for the JSD. You always have Yale or Cambridge>

Brillant point brainly smurf! I am also with CLS! People seems to be mad about "brand".. brand doesnt open doors automatically! what international law firms care more is work experience and contacts... a LLM from any top US law school will open doors if you have a nice background to show... Not CLS, nor HLS will give you more opportunities... besides, CLS is also a very good brand!!! it is the best law fschool in NYC, the most business oriented city in US (and I am not bias because I took and NYU offer..).
For me, a substantial scholarship for a highly regarded law school such as CLS is a no brainer!

Good luck!

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