Harvard Reapplication


I had applied to harvard this year as a final year student and been rejected. I hope to reapply in a year or two. So this post is in the hope of some advice from those admitted or considering applying to harvard next fall.

I am in the top 10% of my class from one the top law schools of my country. And I will be joining a law firm this summer. I would like to specialize in M&A and/or anti-trust. So I am essentially asking in addition to work experience what else should i look to add to my cv.

i have about 3 publications in various national journals and one conference presentation. and i have also interned for several law firms, corporate houses and the human rights NGOs.

Given these credentials, i'd also like the inquire if i do stand a chance? because i am not top 3 of my class? and will work exp help me in this regard?


I had applied to harvard this year as a final year student and been rejected. I hope to reapply in a year or two. So this post is in the hope of some advice from those admitted or considering applying to harvard next fall.

I am in the top 10% of my class from one the top law schools of my country. And I will be joining a law firm this summer. I would like to specialize in M&A and/or anti-trust. So I am essentially asking in addition to work experience what else should i look to add to my cv.

i have about 3 publications in various national journals and one conference presentation. and i have also interned for several law firms, corporate houses and the human rights NGOs.

Given these credentials, i'd also like the inquire if i do stand a chance? because i am not top 3 of my class? and will work exp help me in this regard?

well.. your resume seems great already! :)

I belive it doesn't matter so much what you decide to add (I could say that you could add teaching experience, international internship and some pro bono work).. what really makes the diference is your overall package, your goals and your potential to address such goals.. and of course your ability to convince them that the aforementoned is true.

I don't think there's a magic recepy for any school -of course we must start having good credentials-, but considering a "coherent package" is a good piece of advice I got once.

best of luck!!

well.. your resume seems great already! :)

I belive it doesn't matter so much what you decide to add (I could say that you could add teaching experience, international internship and some pro bono work).. what really makes the diference is your overall package, your goals and your potential to address such goals.. and of course your ability to convince them that the aforementoned is true.

I don't think there's a magic recepy for any school -of course we must start having good credentials-, but considering a "coherent package" is a good piece of advice I got once.

best of luck!!

hey thanks so much for the reply. i agree there is no standard formula for acceptance but i was just fishing for tips...but thanks for the advice. :) i'll try and structure my application to give it a more organised coherent framework next time round!

hey thanks so much for the reply. i agree there is no standard formula for acceptance but i was just fishing for tips...but thanks for the advice. :) i'll try and structure my application to give it a more organised coherent framework next time round!

yes, my resume is not half as impressive as yours...I am sure you will get admitted.

yes, my resume is not half as impressive as yours...I am sure you will get admitted.

hey thanks raven. any suggestions on what i could do to help my case?

hey thanks raven. any suggestions on what i could do to help my case?

other plus FYI:
1. TOEFL score above 110+.
2. RECOMMENDER, who is a harvard law school alumnus and donor, fortunately, s/he knows you well.
3. NOBLE IDEALs, which is very important.
5. LUCK, you can never get in without it. That also explains why some guys who look inferior to you were admitted while you were rejected.
To be honest, I would suggest you do not stick to harvard so much, you are so ordinary among thousands of applicants. Take the brand issue easy, there are so many great schools in US.

other plus FYI:
1. TOEFL score above 110+.
2. RECOMMENDER, who is a harvard law school alumnus and donor, fortunately, s/he knows you well.
3. NOBLE IDEALs, which is very important.
5. LUCK, you can never get in without it. That also explains why some guys who look inferior to you were admitted while you were rejected.
To be honest, I would suggest you do not stick to harvard so much, you are so ordinary among thousands of applicants. Take the brand issue easy, there are so many great schools in US.

hey thanks raven. any suggestions on what i could do to help my case?

Personally, I think you really need some good answers to their questions and essays. Still I do not have such a good cv. It might be that the competition in your country is high?

<blockquote>hey thanks raven. any suggestions on what i could do to help my case?</blockquote>

Personally, I think you really need some good answers to their questions and essays. Still I do not have such a good cv. It might be that the competition in your country is high?

tottally agree with Kingarthur and raven.. country quota is REAL even though it's not official.

tottally agree with Kingarthur and raven.. country quota is REAL even though it's not official.

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