
Has anyone here ever completed the QLTS, and if so what prep did they use? Are any particular providers recommended? Strategies? Timeline and pacing?

I’m a NY barred attorney but I attended uni in the UK and have a qualifying law degree from a top UK uni, so doing the MCT was pretty easy. I just read the notes twice and brushed up on some of the hornbook law concepts that I didn’t know, and the solicitors accounts and AML rules. Now I want to do OSCE maybe in November or so.

The OSCE is a different beast though, it’s six days and requires actually talking to people. I thought the NY bar was a pain. Naw, this has it beat by a mile.

My question is, given that I already have a pretty good background in the English legal system, what level of prep is best? Should I throw out all the stops and go ham on this thing or are we looking at like maybe 100 hours of prep time over the next 8 months?

Has anyone here ever completed the QLTS, and if so what prep did they use? Are any particular providers recommended? Strategies? Timeline and pacing?

I’m a NY barred attorney but I attended uni in the UK and have a qualifying law degree from a top UK uni, so doing the MCT was pretty easy. I just read the notes twice and brushed up on some of the hornbook law concepts that I didn’t know, and the solicitors accounts and AML rules. Now I want to do OSCE maybe in November or so.

The OSCE is a different beast though, it’s six days and requires actually talking to people. I thought the NY bar was a pain. Naw, this has it beat by a mile.

My question is, given that I already have a pretty good background in the English legal system, what level of prep is best? Should I throw out all the stops and go ham on this thing or are we looking at like maybe 100 hours of prep time over the next 8 months?

I recently passed the MCT and booked my OSCE for July (as I’m starting my LL.M in the fall, I thought it would be best to get it over with). Admitted in a civil law country.

I used QLTS School for the MCT but am looking to branch out for the OSCE—considering Barbri and OSCE Smart at the moment. I’m in a WhatsApp group for fellow candidates and it seems that a common approach is to revise using the OUP books for the first few months and do mocks leading up to the exams.

I recently passed the MCT and booked my OSCE for July (as I’m starting my LL.M in the fall, I thought it would be best to get it over with). Admitted in a civil law country.

I used QLTS School for the MCT but am looking to branch out for the OSCE—considering Barbri and OSCE Smart at the moment. I’m in a WhatsApp group for fellow candidates and it seems that a common approach is to revise using the OUP books for the first few months and do mocks leading up to the exams.

Anyway to get in one this WhatsApp group or is it not in English?

Anyway to get in one this WhatsApp group or is it not in English?

Also, is anyone selling old OSCE books?

Also, is anyone selling old OSCE books?

Anyway to get in one this WhatsApp group or is it not in English?

It’s in English! Members are from all over the world. I’ll send you the invite link via personal message.

[quote]Anyway to get in one this WhatsApp group or is it not in English? [/quote]

It’s in English! Members are from all over the world. I’ll send you the invite link via personal message.

Hey everyone! I just started researching the QLTS, so not yet at the OSCE stage.. but good to hear you found the first bit easy! I also have an LLB but I am leaning towards getting a course as I heard both bits can be tough. Is this WhatsApp group for just OSCE or general?

Hey everyone! I just started researching the QLTS, so not yet at the OSCE stage.. but good to hear you found the first bit easy! I also have an LLB but I am leaning towards getting a course as I heard both bits can be tough. Is this WhatsApp group for just OSCE or general?

The group I mentioned above is for OSCE but I'm also in an MCT group (previously called Jan 2020 MCT but now for July 2020). Let me know if you'd like an invite!

The group I mentioned above is for OSCE but I'm also in an MCT group (previously called Jan 2020 MCT but now for July 2020). Let me know if you'd like an invite!

Hi, could you please send me the link to the whatsup group? thanks

Hi, could you please send me the link to the whatsup group? thanks

The group I mentioned above is for OSCE but I'm also in an MCT group (previously called Jan 2020 MCT but now for July 2020). Let me know if you'd like an invite!

Yes, that would be great! Thanks :)

[quote]The group I mentioned above is for OSCE but I'm also in an MCT group (previously called Jan 2020 MCT but now for July 2020). Let me know if you'd like an invite! [/quote]

Yes, that would be great! Thanks :)

I’m glad I did not do a course for the MCT. I passed pretty comfortably and just read some notes that I purchased on ebay for like $15 dollars. I read them twice and did notecards on the stuff I didn’t already know. I probably spent about as much time studying for the MPRE, which is a very easy exam. The courses for the MCT are *2-3 times* what it costs to do the MCT, so I do not see the point of it when there are free practice tests online, and you can purchase extra ones cheaper too and do them is probably the most help. The OSCE is way different though and it’s so expensive the prep course is worth it if it helps you kill it on the first go. Still not sure which one to take. Does the OSCE Smart course have a time limit?

Like if I sign up now will it still have the online materials available when I take it in November?

I’m glad I did not do a course for the MCT. I passed pretty comfortably and just read some notes that I purchased on ebay for like $15 dollars. I read them twice and did notecards on the stuff I didn’t already know. I probably spent about as much time studying for the MPRE, which is a very easy exam. The courses for the MCT are *2-3 times* what it costs to do the MCT, so I do not see the point of it when there are free practice tests online, and you can purchase extra ones cheaper too and do them is probably the most help. The OSCE is way different though and it’s so expensive the prep course is worth it if it helps you kill it on the first go. Still not sure which one to take. Does the OSCE Smart course have a time limit?

Like if I sign up now will it still have the online materials available when I take it in November?

The group I mentioned above is for OSCE but I'm also in an MCT group (previously called Jan 2020 MCT but now for July 2020). Let me know if you'd like an invite!

Can you please send me the invite of the same

[quote]The group I mentioned above is for OSCE but I'm also in an MCT group (previously called Jan 2020 MCT but now for July 2020). Let me know if you'd like an invite! [/quote]

Can you please send me the invite of the same

The group I mentioned above is for OSCE but I'm also in an MCT group (previously called Jan 2020 MCT but now for July 2020). Let me know if you'd like an invite!

Can you please send me the invite of the same

Sent you the links via private message!

[quote][quote]The group I mentioned above is for OSCE but I'm also in an MCT group (previously called Jan 2020 MCT but now for July 2020). Let me know if you'd like an invite! [/quote]

Can you please send me the invite of the same[/quote]

Sent you the links via private message!

The group I mentioned above is for OSCE but I'm also in an MCT group (previously called Jan 2020 MCT but now for July 2020). Let me know if you'd like an invite!

Can you please send me the invite of the same

Sent you the links via private message!

[quote][quote][quote]The group I mentioned above is for OSCE but I'm also in an MCT group (previously called Jan 2020 MCT but now for July 2020). Let me know if you'd like an invite! [/quote]

Can you please send me the invite of the same[/quote]

Sent you the links via private message![/quote]

Hello there. I am taking OCSE in May 2020 and may I know if there is a study group/whatsapp group I can join?


Hello there. I am taking OCSE in May 2020 and may I know if there is a study group/whatsapp group I can join?


The Smart is the same duration as other providers: 8 months, but it says that 'May be extended upon the request' https://qltsosce.co.uk/prices-and-packages
A friend of mine preparing with OSCEsmart and he had to extend his access the exam. They extended the access to the online materials, I think free of charge, but charged some very small fee for transferring his mocks to another study group.

[Edited by foxmeri on May 17, 2021]

<span style="color: rgb(60, 64, 67); font-family: Roboto, sans-serif; letter-spacing: 0.2px;">The Smart is the same duration as other providers: 8 months, but it says that 'May be extended upon the request'&nbsp;</span><a rel="noreferrer noopener" data-saferedirecturl="https://www.google.com/url?q=https://www.google.com/url?q%3Dhttps://qltsosce.co.uk/prices-and-packages%26sa%3DD%26ust%3D1590523598724000%26usg%3DAFQjCNGyyP1bk4yPYKK8VSAXhEcYkIqSSw&amp;source=gmail&amp;ust=1590607179758000&amp;usg=AFQjCNHawiiRcH2rkSYKyyOAfQowzti9pQ" target="_blank" href="https://www.google.com/url?q=https://qltsosce.co.uk/prices-and-packages&amp;sa=D&amp;ust=1590523598724000&amp;usg=AFQjCNGyyP1bk4yPYKK8VSAXhEcYkIqSSw" style="color: rgb(66, 133, 244); font-family: Roboto, sans-serif; letter-spacing: 0.2px; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">https://qltsosce.co.uk/prices-and-packages</a><br style="color: rgb(60, 64, 67); font-family: Roboto, sans-serif; letter-spacing: 0.2px;"><span style="color: rgb(60, 64, 67); font-family: Roboto, sans-serif; letter-spacing: 0.2px;">A friend of mine preparing with OSCEsmart and he had to extend his access the exam. They extended the access to the online materials, I think free of charge, but charged some very small fee for transferring his mocks to another study group.</span>

I recently passed the MCT and booked my OSCE for July (as I’m starting my LL.M in the fall, I thought it would be best to get it over with). Admitted in a civil law country.

I used QLTS School for the MCT but am looking to branch out for the OSCE—considering Barbri and OSCE Smart at the moment. I’m in a WhatsApp group for fellow candidates and it seems that a common approach is to revise using the OUP books for the first few months and do mocks leading up to the exams.
I'm also choosing between those two. Any good place to ask for advice / any forum?

[quote]I recently passed the MCT and booked my OSCE for July (as I’m starting my LL.M in the fall, I thought it would be best to get it over with). Admitted in a civil law country.

I used QLTS School for the MCT but am looking to branch out for the OSCE—considering Barbri and OSCE Smart at the moment. I’m in a WhatsApp group for fellow candidates and it seems that a common approach is to revise using the OUP books for the first few months and do mocks leading up to the exams. [/quote]<div><table role="presentation" class="post-dark-text" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" style="color: rgb(60, 64, 67); font-family: Roboto, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; background-color: rgb(255, 255, 255); width: 293.818px;"><tbody><tr><td style="vertical-align: top; width: 44px;"><amp-img width="32" src="https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/a-/AOh14GgsF5yHWSYEoe3AD15j3vWpB32VIZfev_lGdjrRbQ=s96-k-no" height="32" alt="User profile picture OSCEsmart" i-amphtml-ignore="" class="i-amphtml-element i-amphtml-layout-fixed i-amphtml-layout-size-defined i-amphtml-layout" i-amphtml-layout="fixed" style="display: block; position: relative; overflow: hidden !important; border-radius: 50%; width: 32px; height: 32px; --loader-delay-offset:8ms !important;"></amp-img></td><td><div style="font-variant-numeric: normal; font-variant-east-asian: normal; font-stretch: normal; line-height: 20px; letter-spacing: 0.2px;"><div class="notranslate" style="margin-top: 6px;">I'm also choosing between those two. Any good place to ask for advice / any forum?</div></div></td></tr></tbody></table></div>

Can you please send me the invite of the same

Sent you the links via private message!

Could you add me too? thanks

[quote][quote][quote][quote]The group I mentioned above is for OSCE but I'm also in an MCT group (previously called Jan 2020 MCT but now for July 2020). Let me know if you'd like an invite! [/quote]

Can you please send me the invite of the same[/quote]

Sent you the links via private message![/quote] [/quote]<div><br></div><div>Could you add me too? thanks</div>

Sent you the links via private message!

Could you add me too? thanks

[quote][quote][quote][quote][quote]The group I mentioned above is for OSCE but I'm also in an MCT group (previously called Jan 2020 MCT but now for July 2020). Let me know if you'd like an invite! [/quote]

Can you please send me the invite of the same[/quote]

Sent you the links via private message![/quote] [/quote]<div><br></div><div>Could you add me too? thanks</div> [/quote]<div><br></div><div><br></div>

Could you please add me to the whatsapp group? I am preparing for the November OSCE. Thank you!

<div><br></div> [/quote] Could you please add me to the whatsapp group? I am preparing for the November OSCE. Thank you!

Could you add me to the whatsapp group as well? Thank you very much!!

The group I mentioned above is for OSCE but I'm also in an MCT group (previously called Jan 2020 MCT but now for July 2020). Let me know if you'd like an invite!

Can you please send me the invite of the same

Sent you the links via private message!

Could you add me to the whatsapp group as well? Thank you very much!!<br><br><br><br>[quote][quote][quote]The group I mentioned above is for OSCE but I'm also in an MCT group (previously called Jan 2020 MCT but now for July 2020). Let me know if you'd like an invite! [/quote]

Can you please send me the invite of the same[/quote]

Sent you the links via private message! [/quote]

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