CGPA for Cambridge

What exactly is the minimum GPA requirement for applying to Cambridge. The website says a First Class Degree in Law from a UK institution or the equivalent from an overseas institution.

I have an Upper Second Class in my LL.B. (CGPA 7.7). I wish to know if I should apply nonetheless and take my chances or drop the idea altogether since I don't fulfil the minimum GPA requirements.

Insights would be great.

Thanks in advance.

What exactly is the minimum GPA requirement for applying to Cambridge. The website says a First Class Degree in Law from a UK institution or the equivalent from an overseas institution.

I have an Upper Second Class in my LL.B. (CGPA 7.7). I wish to know if I should apply nonetheless and take my chances or drop the idea altogether since I don't fulfil the minimum GPA requirements.

Insights would be great.

Thanks in advance.

Re the first part of your question, almost all UK unis include information on minimum qualifications, and Cambridge is no different. Just search up your country and check under the headline for when the requirement is a first:

Re the second part: Oxbridge cares less about your CV than US unis, although both occasionally accept people with a high 2.1 provided that there is something else that boosts their *academic* profile (not so much law firm internships/practice, but think perhaps good publications, etc.). There are usually more than enough applicants meeting the minimum requirement, and they’ll still reject around 2/3 of those. Objectively, they have no reason to accept anyone not meeting their minimum requirement unless there are very sound reasons for doing so. 

The main X factor when applying without a UK degree seems to be nationality (or rather, where you have your law degree from). That is, if you’re from a country which Cambridge receives the vast majority of applications from (e.g. India or China) compared to other countries, you can be pretty certain that the minimum requirements will be very strictly followed. If you have a law degree from a tiny jurisdiction, they will likely have limited data on the “true equivalence” of a UK first, making you more likely to slip through.

That said, I guess no one will ever know unless they make the effort to apply and pay that (recently lowered) application fee.

[Edited by Gobbledygook on Apr 19, 2022]

Re the first part of your question, almost all UK unis include information on minimum qualifications, and Cambridge is no different. Just search up your country and check under the headline for when the requirement is a first:<br><br>Re the second part: Oxbridge cares less about your CV than US unis, although both occasionally accept people with a high 2.1 provided that there is something else that boosts their *academic* profile (not so much law firm internships/practice, but think perhaps good publications, etc.). There are usually more than enough applicants meeting the minimum requirement, and they’ll still reject around 2/3 of those. Objectively, they have no reason to accept anyone not meeting their minimum requirement unless there are very sound reasons for doing so.&nbsp;<br><br>The main X factor when applying without a UK degree seems to be nationality (or rather, where you have your law degree from). That is, if you’re from a country which Cambridge receives the vast majority of applications from (e.g. India or China) compared to other countries, you can be pretty certain that the minimum requirements will be very strictly followed. If you have a law degree from a tiny jurisdiction, they will likely have limited data on the “true equivalence” of a UK first, making you more likely to slip through.<br><br>That said, I guess no one will ever know unless they make the effort to apply and pay that (recently lowered) application fee.<br>

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