Hi All - I am a US qualified attorney and have successfully completed 2 out of 3 heads of the QLTT. (My Cert. of Elig. requried 3 heads. I am taking the last head this year.)

In addition to the exam (QLTT), my Cert. of Elig. requries that I obtain 6 mos of work experience. Hence, I was wondering:

1) Does anyone know of any pro bono organizations from which I can earn such experience (especially remotely as I live in the US)?

2) Does anyone know the types of work experience approved by SRA? For example, is working on a contract in Spain sufficient Common Law experiecne? What about Negotiaging an Agreement in Scottland? Or Manging clients in the UK? I am just curious as to what the SRA requires.

(I have significant work experience thru my current employer including dealing with legal issues throughout Europe: some in the UK and some in other EU nations).

Any tips are appreciated!