I just discovered this site and have gone through a lot of useful information. I have seen posts which are somehow similar to my situation but I would still be interested in getting feedback from anyone.

I got my LLB degree in 1995 from Kenya and practised law for about 3 years. I then proceeded to the US to do my MBA in E Commerce. Because I did not have sufficient work experience to do the Bar for the state that i was in, I chose to switch careers and worked in the IT/Telecomm sector for about 6 yrs. My family just re-located to BC Canada and I have been looking to see if I can get back into the legal career. I had my qualifications evaluated by the NCA and have 6 exams to sit in order to do the articling and bar exams. Through talking with people I am learning that it is very hard to get an articling position in BC due to strong competition and it will also be hard to get a job because of the foreign law degree. I saw a post where someone indicated that they decided not to go through all the hoops and chose an alternative legal career. Could someone elaborate on what kind of jobs these are and if i qualify? I am also thinking of doing an LLM in IT and Telecom law to see if i can somehow merge my work experience in IT with my law degree. Any advice will be appreciated. Thx!