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U.S. LL.M. Fairs Virtual Workshop: Beyond the LL.M. - U.S. Bar Exam Eligibility


January 18, 2024 10:00 America/Los_Angeles




Join UCLA School of Law and ten other member U.S. law schools of the U.S. LL.M. Consortium to learn more about navigating bar exam eligibility and how a U.S. LL.M. program can help set you up for professional success life after the LL.M.

Representatives from 11 diverse U.S. law schools will share advice on how an LL.M. can help you gain admission to practice (bar licensure) in the U.S. School administrators will be joined by LL.M. alumni who will offer their tips, insights, and experiences planning for and passing a state bar exam.

Attendees will also have the opportunity to learn about each law school's programs and speak with administrators from each institution one-on-one during breakout sessions following the presentation.