
Having practiced as a Family Law Solicitor in England for ten years, now living in California, married to an American and having just passed California bar exam, I am faced with a blank canvas in front of me.

This, of course has not been an easy journey, and having only learned two days ago that I did indeed pass the California bar, I am left considering the many possibilities ahead. I have been so focused on studying for the bar and all of the steps leading up to this point, that I must admit my focus has not been on what direction I'd like to pursue once I reached this point!

With that said, I wonder if anyone can offer insight as to what sorts of opportunities may be out there for dual-qualified attorneys who have practiced as a Solicitor in England and are also qualified to practice law in California? I can certainly apply for positions in any law firms in California, but I would like to hear if anyone can suggest, or knows of ways that I can put my experience and qualification to practice in England and California to use?

Thank you.